I Guess It Really Is Spring
Purple, yellow and saffron colored crocus are all blooming in my garden now, and the other night on the way home I heard spring peepers as I passed a low area in a neighbor's field. I love the sound of the peepers. One of my favorite memories is of lying in bed on a rainy early spring night years ago with my window open, reading a Gertrude Jekyll gardening book and listening to those tiny little frogs sing their little froggy hearts out. The crocus are beautiful, but it is always the peepers that really convince me it is spring.
I know this is not a good picture--my little camera does have its limitations--but this is a picture of an actual leaf bud on a poplar (I think) tree that has wisely chosen to grow by the compost pile. One of the limbs got bent down and covered up with compost. Apparently the heat of the decomposition forced out this leaf bud.