Sprout and her dad began construction on the boxes for the raised beds in the new market garden. This is a new enterprise here . Phase one will consist of several beds on this south-facing hillside.
Since they didn't seem to need my help, I decided that it was as good a day as any to start pruning. I started with the crepe myrtles in the duck enclosure. Most everyone else has already cut back their myrtles, but I don't think it matters that I am a bit late. Dormant is dormant, isn't it?
Sprout came around the corner and saw what I was doing. "My horticulture instructor called that practice 'crepe murder', " she observed. I have to admit it does look violent, and I normally wouldn't cut anything back that severely, but that seems to be the common practice here and well, everyone does it this way. ( And if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?)
Even in today's gloom, I can tell that, murder or not, this opens up the small kitchen garden to more sun. I don't think Hobbly and Heidi, the ducks, care for it too much. They act like they miss the cover and are hanging out around their hutch. I guess they don't realize that their whole pen is covered over with bird netting to protect them from owls and hawks. Come summer I may need to add some shade cloth, though.
Everything is soaked through. The ground squishes and sinks when I walk on it. It is risky to take even the four wheel drive truck down to the barn, so I walk it...but that can be risky too. It seems I slide down in the mud almost daily. And warm! Supposed to be in the fifties all this coming week. My bulbs are up. Some even have fat buds ready to bloom. I try to tell them it is only January, but they don't listen.
More storms on the way tonight.