Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Need to Knead

The no-knead, dutch oven bread is out of the oven, while there are a few things I will have to tweak, all in all it is a very good loaf of artisan-type bread.  The dutch oven method does indeed give it that desirable crunchy crust and soft inside that is hard to achieve in a regular pan. It has a more rustic texture than my "everyday" whole wheat loaf, and the long rise time gives it a slightly sourdough flavor.  Also, there is no sugar or sweetener of any kind in the recipe--very simple, basic ingredients that you probably have on your shelf right now.  If you want to give it a try, you can find the recipe here
Now for a confession:  the recipe says that you should let it cool for at least an hour before cutting.  An hour?  Really?  You have got to be kidding.  Everyone knows bread is best warm right out of the oven, right?  So no, of course I didn't wait.  I sliced off the end, spread on a little butter and ate it for lunch.  And then I had another piece.  And right now I am fighting the temptation to have yet another.   I wonder if my husband remembers that I was baking bread today.  Would he notice if there was none here when he gets back home?  Bread? What bread?  :-)
Meanwhile, the temp has dropped a little, the drip-drip-dripping from the eaves has slowed down and it is snowing again.  More bread anyone?

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