Pico is a 4- year -old, 130 lb., Great Pyrenees. He was the pet of a dear lady whose circumstances dictate that she find him a new home. So she spoke to a friend, who spoke to my friend, who called me, and so today we brought Pico to Pleasant Places for a trial period, to see how this former sub-division dog takes to farm life.
The 45 minute drive was a little unnerving for him, but once back on the ground he seemed to calm down. We walked the pasture perimeter and then I put Pico in a stall where he...
Had a snack...
Howdied with the nosy neighbors...
and lay down for a well-deserved rest.
We hope Pico, whose name means 'peak' or 'mountain', adjusts well and becomes our new farm guardian. In the next few days, I will walk the perimeter with him daily, showing him what he is to guard. Hopefully his instincts will kick in and he will be able to make the transition from household pet to a working dog-- or at least one who stays in the fence and deters predators by his massive presence.
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