Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bunnies and Chickens and Cows, Oh My!

It has been a wild and wonderful spring at our place. So busy that I haven't found time to write about all that goes on here...

Like the March 2 tornado that thankfully missed our farm completely, passed just yards from where our daughter was housesitting and devastated houses and businesses in our town.

And the weeks of beautiful, warm weather that has the garden jumping out of the ground.

 And the return of my feathered friends, like this bright goldfinch, the ruby-throated hummers, and just today, my favorite indigo buntings.

The batch of pullets is growing fast. It will soon be time for them to join the bigger birds.  Hobley, the drake, disappeared while we were away Easter weekend.  Whatever got him was large enough to just take him out of the pen without leaving much of a trace.  So now the only duck left is Heidi,who has been moved to the chicken house for safety where she maintains an uneasy peace with her new roomates. 

The menagerie grows.  We have adopted our niece's huge rabbit, Baxter.

More big news, and I do mean big,  is that a cow now lives at Pleasant Places--  A pretty, friendly Jersey named "Peaches".  She belongs to a friend, and is just staying with us temporarily.  Besides just the fact that I am enjoying having her around,  I am hoping she will cut down on the summer mowing and provide us with some good fertilizer. 

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