Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Of Stinger Goats, Chicken Thieves and Blacberry Winter

Poor Pico hasn't had a very good week.  I think I wrote last time that he has been hanging around the goats' stall, "guarding" them, touching noses with the kids through the stall door, and trying to go in to socialize every time the door is open. I finally felt like the goats were settled enough to be put out on pasture in their moveable electric fence which I set up near the barn for starters.  Pico was excited that the little goats were getting to come out to "play", but he stayed back nicely and let them go in their pen.  Once they were in the fence, he took up his post next to fence--but not too close because Pico does hate to get a shock from the fence.  All was well until one of the little goats came up to the fence trying to touch noses with him.  Pico moved forward.  I could see what happened next coming a mile off, but I was too far away to stop it. Simultaneously, as they reached out to touch noses they both touched the fence.  The goat went hopping and "maaing" back to it's mother. Pico went yelping all the way to his pen and went inside, looking back at me reproachfully like I was at fault.  Maybe I was, as I had brought those awful "stinger goats" to Pleasant Places to begin with.  Since then I have noticed that Pico is not so keen on being around the goats.  In fact, now that I think of it, he's been avoiding the barn completely.
And as if it wasn't enough to be "stung" by a goat kid, Pico has let something make off  with most of the young pullets that I just put down in the hen house a few days ago.  I don't know what it is, but it leaves almost no trace and it has quite the appetite for young chicken.  I am sure they are quite succulent.  Unlike last time we had the predator problem, this time it's not leaving any chicken bodies behind at all. Fortunately it has left the hens alone, but it has been disappointing to lose so many of the little ones I just got started.  I had a talk with Pico about the importance of staying near the hen house and guarding the chickens, but he much prefers to hang out with the horses, especially since the great goat fiasco.  He reminded me that he never said he was a working dog, and that I did, after all, get him from a subdivision.  Well, so be it.

Meanwhile, I hear there is a slight chance of frost tonight.  I doubt that it will, but I have covered the garden beds just to be safe.  It would be terrible to lose beans and potatoes at this stage.
The irises are in bloom and the clematis is just finishing up.  Both have been simply stunning this year.  I didn't realize I had so many colors of iris, but I find myself wishing I had even more.  They are quite possibly my favorite flower of all.

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