Filet Beans and Aspargus intermingle in the garden
The Season Progresses
Over a month since I last posted. I am spending every spare minute after my "day job" either in the garden, working on pasture maintenance, or rounding up some misplaced chicken. I hope to have my chicken issues resolved this weekend as we are planning to build a chicken tractor for the barred rocks who are currently living with the ducks. The pen was designed for the flightless ducks, and even though it is covered with bird net, the chickens find ways out. Almost every morning I have to go on a chicken round-up before school.
It has been breathlessly hot, as I know it is everywhere in the east, and we have had little rain. I am watering the garden already--ominously early. But the garden is growing. We have already had green beans, new potatoes and cukes. Seems early for all that to me. Of course the lettuce and spinach have bolted. I still have a few pumpkins and winter squash I want to plant, and I will keep making plantings of summer veggies.
Tri-Color "Green" Beans and Yukon Gold new potatoes
The roses were so gorgeous this year, but now they have given way to the daylilies and rudbeckia, things that can really take the heat.
climbing rose from a cutting collected from old homestead adjacent to our property
While I was writing this post a thunderstorm blew up from the west. I sat on the porch and watched it roll in across the mountains. It's been raining for almost 3 hours now. We needed it and I do appreciate it, but it now appears that lightning has struck our pump (sigh).
An afternoon t-storm rolls in across the mountains
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