Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Live Deep
"Live deep instead of fast" --Henry Seidel Canby

This week with the fourth behind us, I am keenly aware that we are now deep into summer.  The days evaporate like the droplets of an afternoon shower, and I tell myself to stop and breathe, to savor, not fret.  I vow to make time to sit on the porch and read, to take walks, to stay up way too late, to sit in the sun and enjoy the sensation of being warm all the way through. I vow to eat juicy, ripe fruit and enough corn on the cob with real butter to satisfy me until next summer. I promise myself to take at least one more road trip somewhere, to stick my feet in an ice cold mountain creek and to spend at least a few evenings around a campfire with friends contemplating life and watching fireflies dance .  Summer, like each season in its turn, is a gift.  We offer God our best thanks by living each moment fully.

My nephew wades in to the swimming hole near our farm

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