Monday, September 19, 2011

Lasts and Firsts

Today I harvested what may well be the last of the sweet corn for the year--a few little nubby ears on some pretty stunted looking stalks.  I guess we just didn't have enough rain.  The first planting was good, but this second one...well, Bea, the goat, and her daughter, Luna, seem to be enjoying them anyway.

But the garden is not "done" yet. Not by a stretch. The fall peas (above) are looking good.

 One of the ways we make efficient use of our small garden beds is to keep planting.  Above a fall planting of mixed leaf lettuces is just getting started.  Late potatoes and some carrots are in the background.

 Today's small harvest of corn, beans, Italian squash and cayenne peppers sits alongside starts of red cabbage and broccoli.  One season in the garden ends, but another begins.  a fall garden in our climate zone stretches the growing season into November or perhaps beyond with cole crops, lettuce and greens. 

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