Sunday, October 02, 2011

Preparing for First Frost

I thought we were temporarily out of harm's way.  I thought that the night to fear frost during this, our first dip into fall's chill, had passed and we were safe.  I thought wrong.  I just checked the weather and, indeed, we are under a frost advisory tonight.  Maybe it will. Maybe it won't, but I was out the door to the garden in a flash, picking off peppers and spreading out remay frost blankets "just in case".
What a beautiful weekend it has been.  If it frosts now, who could complain?  We have enjoyed an abundant summer garden.  A promising fall garden is in the ground and growing.  We may lose peppers, basil, a few tired tomatoes, but the lettuce and peas love the cool weather. And we gain cooler temps, radiant trees, apple cider and pumpkins in the bargain.   One pleasure gives way to another. Most likely this will be a false alarm, or the a frost so slight that the thin "blanket" will protect and the plants will live on a few more weeks.  It is three good weeks shy of our "average" frost date.  At any rate, I have done my best by the peppers and tomatoes.

My not-so-scary scarecrow watches over the fall garden...mostly for artistic effect
Rescued peppers
Romaine and brussel sprouts well underway

My garden dons an early halloween costume--a ghostly cloak of Remay which I save and use as many years as possible

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